by Admin01 | Jun 18, 2020 | Endorsements, Featured
Rep. Gae Magnafici Endorses Rob Stafsholt for 10th Senate District A growing team recognizes Stafsholt as the best candidate to take back Senate seat Today, State Representative Gae Magnafici announced her endorsement of State Representative Rob Stafsholt in his...
by Admin01 | Jun 10, 2020 | Endorsements, Featured
Rebecca Kleefisch Endorses Rob Stafsholt for 10th Senate District Former Lt. Governor highlights Stafsholt’s record of delivering for Northwest Wisconsin [New Richmond, Wis.] Today, former Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch announced her endorsement of State...
by Admin01 | Apr 9, 2020 | Endorsements, Featured
NEW RICHMOND, WI…State Representative Rob Stafsholt (R-New Richmond) announced the endorsement of Governor Scott Walker in his race for Wisconsin’s 10th Senate District. “Rob Stafsholt is a tested leader who has a proven track record of fighting for northwestern...