State Representative Romaine Quinn announced his endorsement of State Representative Rob Stafsholt in his campaign for State Senate. Quinn is the latest in a long list of conservative leaders standing with Stafsholt’s efforts to take back the 10th Senate District.
“Rob Stafsholt is an effective conservative leader, and we need him in the Senate fighting for the issues facing us in rural Wisconsin,” said Rep. Romaine Quinn. “As a leader of the Rural Wisconsin Initiative, I worked with Rob to address some of the most pressing issues facing our rural communities including broadband access and workforce development training that prepares our residents for the jobs our area businesses need them for.”
“I’ve enjoyed working alongside Romaine Quinn, and I appreciate his service to our state,” said Rob Stafsholt. “Northwest Wisconsin needs more conservative leaders advocating for fiscal responsibility, economic growth opportunities, and our hard-working farmers. In the Senate, I will continue to lead on these issues and deliver for our region.”
Rob Stafsholt is a businessman and 4th generation farmer. In addition to helping manage his family’s farm for over 25 years, Rob’s business experience includes previously running his family’s food processing company and recently starting and operating a waste disposal company. A lifelong resident of St. Croix County, Rob was elected to the State Assembly in 2016 and has been a champion for Northwest Wisconsin. He has a proud conservative record on issues such as economic development, property rights, and sporting rights.
Previously announced endorsements include Gov. Scott Walker, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, and Rep. Gae Magnafici.
The 10th State Senate District consists of parts of Burnett, Dunn, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties.