by Admin01 | Oct 1, 2020 | Endorsements
Stafsholt for Senate Announces Farm Bureau EndorsementLocal Farmers support State Representative Rob Stafsholt in his run for State Senate State Representative Rob Stafsholt announced another key endorsement today from the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation. A panel of...
by Admin01 | Sep 24, 2020 | Endorsements
Stafsholt for Senate Announces Key EndorsementsLocal Law Enforcement backs State Representative Rob Stafsholt in his run for State Senate [New Richmond, WI] – State Representative Rob Stafsholt continues to build momentum in his race for Wisconsin’s 10th Senate...
by Admin01 | Jul 1, 2020 | Endorsements
Today, former State Representative Mark Pettis announced his support of State Representative Rob Stafsholt’s campaign for State Senate. Pettis joins a long list of conservative leaders who are standing with Stafsholt’s campaign to take back the 10th Senate District....
by Admin01 | Jun 25, 2020 | Endorsements
State Representative Romaine Quinn announced his endorsement of State Representative Rob Stafsholt in his campaign for State Senate. Quinn is the latest in a long list of conservative leaders standing with Stafsholt’s efforts to take back the 10th Senate District....
by Admin01 | Jun 24, 2020 | Endorsements
State Representative Rob Stafsholt announced the support of former State Representative Dr. Erik Severson in his campaign for the 10th Senate District. Severson cited Stafsholt’s conservative leadership and record of delivering results for Northwest Wisconsin. Dr....
by Admin01 | Jun 18, 2020 | Endorsements, Featured
Rep. Gae Magnafici Endorses Rob Stafsholt for 10th Senate District A growing team recognizes Stafsholt as the best candidate to take back Senate seat Today, State Representative Gae Magnafici announced her endorsement of State Representative Rob Stafsholt in his...